Greater Bay Area - Light  Water

Greater Bay Area - Light Water

Code: greater--bay-area-elevations--water

Price: $95.00

Map Details

Greater  Bay Area - Light Water - Elevation Tints Fine Art Print Map

The San Francisco Bay Area is widely regarded as one of the most scenically impressive urban areas in America. The distinctive combination of a very large estuary with steep ridges and deep valley makes for dramatic views, with abrupt topography producing landscapes ranging from rainforests to arid grasslands, all within a few tens of miles.

This is the classic Raven Wall Map. It uses shaded relief to portray the land and combines shading with elevation tints-- a sequence of delicate hues and colors that portrays landforms--much more clearly than the abstraction of contour lines. Elevation colors make mountains, highlands, and valleys immediately obvious.

Our Bay Area maps are in two versions with identical content by contrasting ways of showing water, with differing visual impacts for varied tastes.

Dimensions: All dimensions are approximate