The growing availability of extremely high-resolution data sets has elevated mapping to a whole new level! As the original Raven map titles sell out, we are replacing them with entirely new maps. These are built from scratch to a level of accuracy and legibility that was completely out of reach a few years ago. We are also able to produce state and world maps in multiple sizes — not everyone has thirty square feet of blank wall available — and multiple versions.
The original Raven maps all featured elevation-tinted shaded relief. Their new replacements keep the same look, but with much more detail. And we are now adding additional treatments: Land Cover (forests, farmlands, grasslands, etc), Landforms and Rivers, and Night Views. We have just completed two new sets of San Francisco Bay Area maps, and are about to finish a series of 13 US multi-state Regional maps. All new titles are print-on-demand archival Fine Art Prints, featuring true non-fading inks on heavy photo paper that does not require laminating.
We've also updated our web site and redesigned it to better display the greatly expanded range of large format wall maps we now offer. We're looking forward to your comments and suggestions. Is there anything we've forgotten that would be helpful? Is there anything that you can't stand? We'd like to hear about it, either way.
We will be posting comments, explanations, and general cartographic ruminations throughout the year.
Stuart Allan
Raven Cartographer